Hello, my name is Brittany Hetzel! I am here to tell you a little bit about myself and my love for photography.

There are a few people that helped to inspire me to follow this passion of mine. I can pinpoint the exact moment that I fell in love with hiking and photography. When I was in eighth grade my God Mother, Krista, had taken me for a birthday adventure. She decided to buy me a disposable camera and take me to Devil’s Lake State Park here in Wisconsin. She told me to take pictures of anything I wanted, and I of course snapped photos of us on rocks as well as the landscape. With excitement I told my mom about my adventure, and asked her to help me pursue this new found love by buying my first digital camera. My love for photography and documenting memories started with these two women, but the encouragement didn’t end there.

While I was in high school I had the opportunity to take several photography classes and join Yearbook. Here is where I established my photography editing skills. I had an amazing teacher, Mrs Stefan, that encouraged me to push past the limits I set for myself. She saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself, both in my pursuit for photography and college. Mrs. Stefan, if you are reading this, I had so much appreciation for you then, and even more now as an adult. My capabilities would not be where they are now without your guidance and encouragement.

As time went on and life became busy, my love for photography fell to the wayside. Fast forward several years later where I met my husband, Cody Hetzel. I had mentioned to him in passing about my love for photography, and wanting dust the cobwebs off. That same year he surprised me with my first beginner photography camera. I read the whole manual in the first few days, and had it attached to my hip every day going forward. We decided to take our first trip to Colorado where I found my love for landscape photography all over again. I haven’t been able to put my camera down since.

Whether you are here to purchase or to even look at my photos, it truly is an honor to have you here. I hope you enjoy viewing these photos as much as I enjoyed capturing them.

Pictures Courtesy of Brittany Hetzel of Naturally Inspired Photography.